
I love sweets and my favorite breakfast sweet is the old classic Apricot smuckers! yumyum! Its a blessing now that I can afford to keep a jar in our house and enjoy this treat. I remember fondly that my Daddy also loved jams...something I must've gotten from him. Growing up, he would buy different types of jam when he took the time to do the grocery for the house. I remember they were the local brands that are not so good. But when I was already working, I introduced him to smuckers. I came from Subic and bought myself my first jar of smuckers. It wasn't my pasalubong for him, but then I realized in a few days, the jar was empty. I knew no one else in my family likes jam except my Dad and me. But I was just happy he liked it. My Daddy was deprived of so many good things in his life, and somehow found something new to enjoy. Sadly, after a few months, I remember he left us so suddenly. But every morning when I enjoy my bites of toast with a generous spread of butter & jam, I would remember my Daddy and pretend that he was having breakfast with me. I miss you Daddy : )


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