Wine Lover

A new passion for me now is wine...I'm still learning and I do admit that I am still confused with the terms of wine specialists...the nose, bite, flavor etc. Some are unbelievably expensive while on the other hand some are just too cheap for comfort. This is why I guess I wanted to learn how to appreciate and differentiate all these bottles. The same way I started learning to cook and appreciate each dish, wine tasting has enlightened me to appreciate each bottle. The beauty of wine I suppose is that from a simple fruit, we transform it into something more precious. Just like chefs who use different techniques and ingredients to make the best dish, wine makers do the same thing for their grapes. And this has been a tradition for many families and each grape represent as well the history of the family who makes the wine. Well I'm learning through self-study...reading online articles, joining wine conferences and of course by having a glass of wine more often in the comfort of my home.

As I've said, some wines can be so expensive and I haven't convinced myself enough to spend more than a Php 1,000 for a bottle. But I'll allow myself the luxury of building my collection slowly. A pleasant surprise is this bottle of La Planta 2006 which I served recently in a dinner party. Its just Php 750 from wine depot but its a great deal for its price because of its depth and has no dry after taste one gets from swallowing wine. But since I'm just a newbie,
I checked out the reviews and true enough, this bottle is a favorite among wine drinkers around the world. So if you would want to check out any new bottle out there, I am guaranteeing that this bottle is one of the best value out there.


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